Book your summer getaway before it's too late!
Read our...
Please take a moment to read our Waivers and Policies which are published below. If you have any questions, please contact us.
For your convenience, enjoyment, and safety, please note the following:
1. ARRIVAL / DEPARTURE: Check-in is 4:00 PM. Check-out is 10:00 AM. If you wish to stay an extra night, please check with the office before 10:00 AM. Campers still occupying sites after the 10:00 AM check-out time will be charged a fee of $50.
2. SPEED: The speed limit is 10km/hour throughout the park. CHILDREN ARE PLAYING THROUGHOUT THE PLAYGROUND – GO SLOW!
3. FREE-RANGE CHILDREN: We encourage imaginative child’s play, and parents or guardians are liable and responsible for the acts and conduct of their children. Children under 12 MUST be accompanied and supervised by an adult at the playground, sandbox, and other areas of the park. Please no climbing on the trees.
4. QUIET TIME: 11:00 PM.
5. GENERATORS: At the discretion of the management.
6. PETS: We love dogs. They must be on a leash (6’ maximum) at all times. You must pick up after your dogs (if we must pick it up – it’ll cost you $25 per poop). It is preferred you walk your dog off premises for excretions. Dogs are not allowed at the sandbox, or in other RV sites, green space, or in the laundry room.
7. GUESTS: All guests and visitors must report to the office upon arrival. There is a fee of $10 per person or $35 per family (2 adults and 2 children). If any visitors are bringing dogs, there is a $10.00 per day fee per dog. All visitors MUST adhere to our Code of Conduct and Pet Policy, or they will be asked to leave. Day Guests must leave by 11 PM. Registered guests are responsible for the conduct of their visitors while in the park. Blue Mountain Lodge will NOT be responsible for any accidents or injuries while your visitors are on the premises.
8. SEPTIC: Please DO NOT FLUSH anything down the toilets (including toilets in your RV) except TOILET PAPER. We are on a septic system, and it will block and back up!! Do not put grease/cooking oil down your drains either as this will block the system. Please put grease in a container and put in the garbage bins. Service calls will be billed at $180/hour.
9. COMMUNAL FIRE PIT: The fire will be lit at 8pm until 11pm. The last person at the fire pit must make sure it is out (pour water, stir, pour again). If you would like a fire sooner, please come to the office.
10. FIRE PITS: Individual fires are allowed at designated fire pits only. You MUST ensure that your fires are out before you retire for the night. If you fail to do so, we will have to charge $100 to your invoice. Firewood is available for purchase. No guests are permitted to bring any wood in, due to possible pests in the wood, etc.
11. NO FIREWORKS AT ANY TIME. Fireworks are a big cause of fires in this area.
12. GARBAGE / RETURNABLES: Please dispose of your refuse in the bin provided and please separate your returnables and place in the bins provided. Campers are asked to make sure that their lodge/site is kept tidy and clear of garbage. If garbage/recycling is not emptied and left in the Lodge, there will be a $10 charge.
a. Please respect your neighbours and refrain from walking through their site.
b. Please tidy up after yourself in the showers and toilets (REMEMBER TO FLUSH). Limited your shower time to under 8 minutes to allow hot water for others.
c. Please Park your vehicles in a way that allows access for other campers.
d. Lawn games, DVDs etc. are free to use, please return items to the office when finished.
14. LOST & FOUND: Please report any losses at the office. We have a lost and found box at the office.
15. SMOKING OR VAPING: We have designated smoking areas and there is ABSOLUTELY NO SMOKING OR VAPING around the Lodge’s, Cottage, Rose, Wolf Den, ANY of the RV sites or Tent sites. Guests who violate this policy will be charged a fee of $300 that will be added to your invoice. Legal substances only. If guests violate this policy repeatedly, more than once where the next fee is $500, it will result in EVICTION with no refund. It is not only inconsiderate to the rest of our guests, but also against the law!
16. SECURITY AND REFUNDS: The Blue Mountain Lodge staff have the authority to take any necessary action to ensure your safety, and of those around you. Anyone who is in breach of these regulations will be asked to leave the park and NO REFUND will be given.
17. PROBLEMS: Please report any problems to the office. We are here to assist.
Thank you, your cooperation is greatly appreciated. We hope you enjoy your stay and will come again.
Management reserves the right to refuse service to anyone, Blue Mountain Lodge and its owners are not responsible for any loss, damage, injury, or any other matter that gives rise to claim in negligence. Your signature binds you and those in your party to these rules and waiver.
Assumption of Risk and WAIVER and Release of Claims:
PLEASE READ CAREFULLY - These conditions will affect your legal rights.
“Activities” shall mean, without limitation, all activities in any way associated with or related to water sports, recreational vehicle camping, hiking, and any recreational activities offered by Blue Mountain Lodge, including training and instruction, as well as but not limited to use of play structures, picnic areas, fields, sports fields, parks, trails, walking paths, roads, grounds and parking lots.
“Property” shall mean, without limitation, any premises, lands, buildings, facilities, play structures, fields, sports fields, swimming pools, parks, trails, walking paths, roads, grounds and parking lots and equipment owned or leased by Blue Mountain Lodge.
“Resort User” shall mean all adults, children or wards in the registered party’s group.
In consideration of Blue Mountain Lodge allowing the RESORT USER onto its Property to use and enjoy the Property and to participate in Activities, the RESORT USER agrees as follows:
1. The Resort User assumes and accepts, without limitation, all risks and dangers associated with the RESORT USER’S use and enjoyment of the Property
and participation in any of the Activities.
2. The Resort User ASSUMES FULL RESPONSIBILITY for understanding and following the rules and safe practices associated with the use and enjoyment of
the Property, participation in any of the Activities, and for his or her own personal safety.
3. The Resort User WAIVES ANY AND ALL CLAIMS that he or she has or may have in the future against Blue Mountain Lodge and its parent, subsidiaries
and affiliated entities and their respective directors, officers, employees, agents, volunteers, contractors and assigns arising from or connected, directly or indirectly, with the RESORT USER’S presence at, or use and enjoyment of the Property, and the RESORT USER’S presence at, or participation in, any of the Activities.
4. The Resort user RELEASES Blue Mountain Lodge from any and all liability for any loss, damage,
physical injury, illness or expense that he or she may suffer or incur by reason of his or her presence at, or use and enjoyment of, the Property, and presence at, or participation in, any of the Activities, due to any cause whatsoever, INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE, BREACH OF CONTRACT, OR BREACH OF ANY STATUTORY DUTY OF CARE, INCLUDING ANY DUTY OF CARE OWED UNDER ANY APPLICABLE OCCUPIERS’ LIABILITY LEGISLATION ON THE PART OF BLUE MOUNTAIN LODGE, OR OTHER PARTICIPANTS, OR ANYONE ELSE.
By signing this document, you and your party agree to obey this Code of Conduct while in our park:
Each group must be from one household plus one other close household. Together these constitute a Group.
Households are defined as those people that live in one home and have maintained social distancing during the Covid-19 outbreak.
Hand Washing
Wash hands for at least 20 seconds in warm water and soap every time you enter your unit.
Hand sanitizer is also available in all accommodations.
Social Distancing
You and your group must always maintain 2-meter separation from anyone else at the park.
Be kind and supportive – Remember we are all in this together!
Help others in need while maintaining the 2-meter distancing.
Groups must maintain 2-meter social distancing from other groups. No gatherings of more than 6 people in a unit are allowed at anytime.
Parental Supervision of Children
Parents must ensure that their children always maintain a 2-meter separation from other children/people from other parties during your stay.
Returning from Outings
If you leave our park for any reason, everyone in the group must wash their hands with warm water and soap (or disinfectant) for at least 20 seconds.
Please consider washing your grocery and beverage packaging followed by 20 seconds of handwashing.
If you come across someone not maintaining the 2-meter social distancing requirement, please remember that they may be in one group.
If someone infringes on your 2-meter distance, kindly remind them of the 2-meter rule.
Please de-escalate any confrontational situations and if needed report the situation to the office via text, email or phone.
1) Definitions
Household: Adults and children that live in one house and have been self-isolating together for
at least 14 days + one additional household.
COVID-19 SYMPTOMS: cough, fever, fatigue, sore throat, shortness of breath.
COVID-19 CONTACT: you or anyone in your Household that have come into contact with
someone known to have COVID-19 within the last 14 days.
Preventative Measures: have followed handwashing hygiene and maintained 2-meter
separation from people other than my household.
Vulnerable Sector: aged 65 or older, and/or underlying health concerns.
Out-of-Country Traveller: anyone in your household that has returned to Canada within 14 days.
2) ATTESTATION (declaration)
I, the Attestor named below, hereby certify to Blue Mountain Lodge that no one in my Household has:
a) COVID-19,
b) COVID-19 Symptoms,
c) Knowingly, within the last 14 days;
i) come into contact someone that has been diagnosed with COVID-19 or,
ii) come into contact with someone exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19.
d) Maintained Preventative Measures for the last 14 days,
e) Not returned to Canada within 14 days and is not subject to quarantine per the Quarantine Act of Canada. S.C. 2005, c.20,
Pet Policy
Please read the following policies for our dog friendly accommodation:
Two small dogs per lodge is permitted. One large dog is permitted per lodge.
Your dog must be on leash (6 ft or less long) when outside of the lodges.
Dogs must be kenneled while owner is out of the Lodge or unsupervised, providing the dog does not bark incessantly while alone. Please be courteous to our other guests!
If your dog is left unattended in the Lodge, you must advise the Office where you can be reached and an approximate time of return. A cell number will be required upon check-in for this purpose.
Pets are not permitted on the furniture or beds in any of the rooms, except the futon where it will be covered with a dog cover.
Guests are responsible to ensure their dog is up to date on all shots and free from ticks or fleas.
Biting or aggressive dogs are not allowed, regardless of muzzle guard or cage. Dog owners must conform to the Dog Owners Liability Act (DOLA) and abide by its laws and regulations including laws pertaining to restricted breeds and dangerous/aggressive pets.
Unfortunately, feline pets are not permitted at Blue Mountain Lodge at this time.
No dogs are allowed to sleep outside overnight.
Guests are responsible for any damage caused by pet. Additional cleaning will be billed to your invoice at $60 per hour. Any damage caused to bedding or furniture that needs to be replaced will be billed to your invoice.
No unregistered dogs are allowed in our Lodges. If there are any unregistered dogs in our Lodges, there will be a $50 per dog charge to the credit card holder.
Count me in!